
Investigating the motivation towards academics in care-experienced students compared to non-care experienced students.

Main Researcher: Mirena Martin (she/her) Main Researcher Email: 2562608m@student.gla.ac.uk University: University of Glasgow Supervisor: Rebecca Lai Supervisor Email: Rebecca.Lai@glasgow.ac.uk

You have been invited to participate in a study being completed by the University of Glasgow. Read the following text carefully to understand what this study entails. You can ask any questions you may have before agreeing to participate in the study by contacting the researchers mentioned above.

What is the purpose of the study?

This study intends to investigate the motivation felt by students to engage with academics/ their course subject/ assignments/ studies and whether having alternative life experiences can influence an individual’s motivation levels. We will do this by asking you questions on how you feel towards your academics and skills, about yourself as a student, how important your studies are to you and the levels of stress you feel your academics can cause. This study is only a measure of motivation, not academic ability. The investigation of attitudes towards studying is useful research which can help identify where educational institutions can improve their course delivery/support/advice to benefit all students.

Why have I been chosen?

You have been chosen to complete this study as you have engaged with an online link and are a student studying in a college or university in the UK who is over 18 years old. You may also identify as care-experienced though this is not necessary for the completion of the study.

Do I have to take part?

Participation is NOT mandatory. If you do not wish to take part, you can exit the study now or at any other time by closing your browser. Incomplete surveys will be regarded as a removal of consent for collection of your data.

Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?

This study does not ask for any individually identifying information and is completely anonymous. There is no way for any person to specifically know who has accessed the link to or completed this study. In the case you accidentally provide identifying information to an open response question, this information will be anonymised and changed or the answer will be removed from the analysis.

What will happen to the results of the research study?

The results of this questionnaire will be analysed for a 4th year Dissertation. No identifying information will be shared with any researcher or the public as it will be immediately anonymised. After the results are analysed for this study, the data collected will be archived within university databases. This data information will not be public.

Who can I contact if I want more information?

If you wish to know more about this research, have any questions, or have felt distressed by any part of this survey and wish to seek support, you can contact Mirena Martin (2562608m@student.gla.ac.uk) or Rebecca Lai (Rebecca.Lai@glasgow.ac.uk).

Who can I contact if I need support:

The link below is to a word document of various support numbers, websites, and emails should you need them. You may want to download this file now before you begin the survey. https://gla-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/2562608m_student_gla_ac_uk/EULEypSXQZdJhOZW7BA47goBdPqGIFNsdsNYLLcyraz5HA?e=bMWOZF&wdLOR=cD3C777D1-3666-4315-9861-B9050C441BEB

Privacy Notice for:

Investigating the motivation towards academics in care-experienced students compared to non-care experienced students.

The University of Glasgow will be what’s known as the ‘Data Controller’ of your personal data processed in relation to this research study titled “Investigating the motivation towards academics in care-experienced students compared to non-care experienced students according to the expectancy-value-cost framework of motivation” This privacy notice will explain how The University of Glasgow will process your personal data.

Why we need it:

We are collecting your basic personal data such your age, gender, whether you are currently studying, if you identify as care-experienced or not for the purposes of basic research and to describe them based on broad categories, but not to identify them in any way. We will only collect the minimum amount of data required for these purposes to minimise all risk to you of being identified.

Legal basis for processing your data:

In the context of research, the lawful basis upon which we will process your personal data is usually where “Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller” (Article 6 of UK GDPR). We will also process personal data as permitted by Article 9, of the UK GDPR which permits processing necessary for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes which shall be proportionate to the aim pursued, respect the essence of the right to data protection and provide for suitable and specific measures to safeguard the fundamental rights and the interests of the data subject. Where we need to rely on a different legal condition, such as consent, we will inform you of this in the Participant Information provided to you. The ‘personal data’ we collect is anonymous, any identifying information you provide to an open text question will be removed.

What we do with it and who we share it with:

All the personal data you submit within this project is processed by staff at the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom. Data will not be sent outside the UK for any purposes at any time. Throughout the project and during the archiving period all data will be stored on password protected University servers.

How long do we keep it for:

Your anonymised data will be retained by the University for archiving purposes indefinitely.

What are your rights?

Under the UK GDPR you have the following rights: • to obtain access to, and copies of, the personal data that we hold about you; • to require that we cease processing your personal data if the processing is causing you damage or distress; • to require us to correct the personal data we hold about you if it is incorrect; • to require us to erase your personal data; • to require us to restrict our data processing activities; • to receive from us the personal data we hold about you which you have provided to us, in a reasonable format specified by you, including for the purpose of you transmitting that personal data to another data controller; • to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to any of our particular processing activities where you feel this has a disproportionate impact on your rights.

Your rights to access, change (rectify), or remove your information (erasure) may be limited, as we need to manage your information in specific ways in order for the research to be reliable and accurate. If you withdraw from the study, we may not always be able to remove the information that we have already obtained. We must comply with a request to erase personal data, or to rectify personal data that is inaccurate unless there are grounds for refusing the request specified in the UK GDPR. To safeguard your rights, we will use the minimum personally-identifiable information possible. The Participant Information Sheet given to you will detail up to what point in the study data can be withdrawn as it may be anonymised after a certain point and thus no longer distinguishable as yours.. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please submit your request via the webform or contact dp@gla.ac.uk. *Please note that the ability to exercise these rights will vary and depend on the legal basis on which the processing is being carried out.


If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact the University Data Protection Officer who will investigate the matter. Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted at dataprotectionofficer@glasgow.ac.uk If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) https://ico.org.uk/

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