Information Form

You are being invited to take part in a research study. It is important for you to understand why the research is being conducted and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully.

1-Study title and Researcher(s) Details Title:

Are people with tattoos more likely to be aggressive? Researcher: Jingwei Xu (Psychology student, University of Glasgow, e-mail address:

2-What is the purpose of the study?

This study aims to explore whether the negative stereotype of tattoos is valid in the current era by applying aggressiveness as a symbol.

3-Why have I been chosen?

Tattoos have been proved to be no longer a unique phenomenon and are gradually entering the mainstream. However, people's attitudes towards tattoos are still diverse and inconsistent. In this situation, almost all adults' views on tattoos are valuable for this study.

4-Do I have to take part?

I sincerely invite and welcome you to participate in this study. The data of each participant is of profound significance for this experiment. However, I also absolutely support the rights granted to you by law, and you have the absolute right to choose whether to participate in this research or not. You can also withdraw at any time, without penalty.

5-What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?

There are nearly no anticipated risks in participation. The images chosen are all authorised, and tattoos are neutral (e.g. neutral geometry, no religious or cultural taboos). The questionnaire adopted is widely used in adult populations and suitable for this study. Besides, you can withdraw at any time of the research if you feel uncomfortable. More details can be provided by contacting the researcher.

6-Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?

Participants' responses will be anonymous and confidential. All data will be recorded with a participant code, and no names shall be held with their survey responses. The results will only appear in group form, and individual participants will not be identified.

7-What will happen to the results of the research study?

All the research data will be safely stored and protected in the network hard drive by password (OneDrive), which only allows the researcher to access. Additionally, recordings of data will be kept until 24 August 2020 and no identifying information will be archived for future research and plagiarism checking with the write-up of this project.

8-Who can I contact if I want more information?

If you wish information about the study and/or a summary of the anonymised group results, please feel free to contact the researcher through e-mail: or my supervisor Dr Margaret Martin e-mail:

Consent Form

Title of Project: Are people with tattoos more likely to be aggressive?

Name of Researcher (s): Jingwei Xu

If you agree to participate in this study then please read the following statements.

ï‚Ÿ I have read the Information Form for participants and so understand the procedures and have been informed about what to expect;

ï‚Ÿ I agree to participate in this study for exploring whether people with tattoos are more likely to be aggressive;

ï‚Ÿ I understand that my participation in this study is voluntary and that I can withdraw from the study, at any time and for any reason, without having to give a reason to the researcher;

ï‚Ÿ I understand that I may omit any questions that I would prefer not to answer;

ï‚Ÿ I understand that my participation in this project is for the purposes of research, and is in no way an evaluation of me as an individual;

ï‚Ÿ I understand that any information recorded in the investigation will be made and kept anonymous and will remain confidential and no information that identifies me will be made publicly available;

ï‚Ÿ I understand that I can contact the researcher(s) for this project; by e-mail to receive more information and/or a summary of the anonymised group results.

ï‚Ÿ I understand that this consent form with my name is being collected for the sole purpose of recording that I have agreed to take part and that it will be destroyed by 24 August 2020. Recordings of my data will be kept until 24 August 2020 and no identifying information will be archived for future research and plagiarism checking with the write-up of this project.

ï‚Ÿ I confirm that I agree to the way my data will be collected and processed, and that data will be stored for up to one year in University archiving facilities/password-protected computer in accordance with relevant data protection policies and regulations.