Researcher: Jeremy Pan Jiadong

Advisor: Prof. Lisa DeBruine


You are being invited to take part in a research study. It is important for you to discover what the research being conducted is about and what it will involve before you can make a decision whether you wish to take part. Please read the following information carefully. You can then decide whether or not you wish to take part in the following research.

Purpose of this research

This study at the University of Glasgow aims to explore the relationships between social capital and sleep quality during the COVID-19 isolation period in both the UK and Singapore.

Do I have to take part?

Participation in the study is voluntary. Even if you begin the survey you can quit at any point without needing to give a reason and your answers will not be used. There will be no consequences for you, neither now or in future, if you choose to withdraw. Withdrawal of data will not be possible once you complete the survey.

What will happen to me if I take part?

When you are happy that you have understood your role in the study, you will agree to a consent form stating you understand your role and agree to be part of the study. You will then be asked to complete 45 questions about social capital, sleep quality, and current mental health. Some of these questions will be about the current COVID-19 situation and the stress you experience, so think carefully if these issues will affect you.

Your answers to the survey will be stored securely on the university network without being linked to any personal identification information.

There are to be no significant risks nor disadvantages associated with your participation. There are no specific advantages nor benefits expected for participants of this study. You will not receive any form of follow-up advice regarding sleep quality or depression/anxiety/stress symptoms, although the research team will be happy to guide you towards appropriate support organisations (contact details below). However, your contributions will increase understanding of the research topic and help researchers tackling these health issues.

Will my taking part in this project be kept confidential?

Yes, your participation will be confidential. No personal information will be stored with the data we collect during the survey.

What will happen to the results of the study?

The study is being carried out as part of a student project within the School of Psychology. The results will be used as part of a dissertation. Additionally, the results may also be presented at conferences or as part of a journal article.

If you are interested in the results of the study you can email us at the address below. A copy of the submitted dissertation will be sent to you. The data from your survey will be stored securely on the university network. It will not be linked to any personal identification information unless you provide us with your email address. Data will be stored on the university network for at least five years following the completion of this project.

Who has ethically reviewed the project?

Ethical approval has been granted by the School of Psychology's ethics committee. The study will be carried out under British Psychology Society guidelines for research.

Contact for further information

The study is being carried out by Jeremy Pan Jiadong, a master’s student at the School of Psychology. It is being overseen by Professor Lisa DeBruine. Please contact either if you have any questions, concerns, or need any form of support.

Jeremy Pan Jiadong

Professor Lisa DeBruine

Further Support If you have been affected by any of the issues in this survey the following organisations can provide support:

For UK residents:

Samaritans provide 24/7 emotional support by telephone and email. They help anyone experiencing any form of emotional distress, anyone struggling to cope, or at anyone at risk of suicide. Website: Tel: 116 123 Email:

University of Glasgow Counselling & Psychological Services are available to students at the University of Glasgow. This service is open Monday to Friday. Website: Tel: 0141 330 4528 Email:

Breathing Space is a free, confidential, phone service for anyone in Scotland experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety. They operate during evenings (Mon-Thurs 6pm-2am) and weekends (Fri 6pm - Mon 6am). Website: Tel: 0800 83 85 87

Mind: provide advice and information to anyone experiencing a mental health problem and their relatives. They do not provide emotional support but provide information about a wide range of mental health issues. Website: Tel: 0300 123 3393 Text: 86463

For Singaporean residents:

Samaritans of Singapore provide 24/7 emotional support by telephone and email. They help anyone experiencing any form of emotional distress, anyone struggling to cope, or at anyone at risk of suicide. Website: Tel: 1800 221 4444 Email:

Singhealth Sleep centre provides specialist clinical care and serve patients with sleep disorders from different clinical sites. Website:

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