Sorry, this project has finished.

Please contact with any questions about this study.

Thank you very much for your participation!

What is the purpose of this study?

The study aims to Investigating Whether Scottish Identity is Viewed Differently by Urban and Rural Populations in Scotland.

National identity is made up of two principal dimensions which are national boundaries utilising a civic/ethnic framework and attachment to nation which is made up of nationalism and patriotism. The civic/ethnic framework examines the perception of participates views regarding the requirement of membership in the nation. Whilst the attachment to nation framework examines how you feel towards your country and whether your attachment is related to nationalism or patriotism. The two frameworks have been used to analyse whether there is a difference in how Scottish identity is viewed by the two groups.

Urban and rural populations have historically held distinct values and voted differently with the difference rooted in the range of people each group comes across and how close they feel to their respective communities. Rural people tend to be part of the local communities and know their neighbours as you tend to rely on each other whilst more privacy is given in urban areas where you are less likely to know your neighbours. However, due to the difference in the populations, urban people come across a much more diverse set of people in comparison to rural populations.

The study investigates whether living in an urban or a rural area result in a difference in how each group scores on the two national identity frameworks which can help us see whether they perceive.

Can you tell me my results?

I cannot provide anyone with their or any others’ individual results from this study or individual contributions as participants will be kept anonymous. However, I would be delighted to share the final report with you if you are interested.

If there are any further questions or concerns about this study, or if you would like to discuss the study or read the final report, please do not hesitate to email at

Thank you again for your time and contribution.