Information Form

Researcher: Nairn Murray ( Project Lead: Emily Nordmann (

We invite you to take part in our research study which is being conducted within the University of Glasgow School of Psychology. This information form will explain the purpose of this research, and what the study will involve. It is important that you read and understand this information before making the decision to participate in the study. Participation may be withdrawn at any time. If you have any questions at any stage of the study or would like more information, please feel free to contact us on the email addresses above.

The Purpose of The Study

This study aims to explore the relationship between help-seeking behaviours, study strategies, and academic performance.

Why I Have Been Invited

You have been invited to participate in this study because you are an undergraduate student within the University of Glasgow.

What My Participation Involves

You will be asked to complete some basic demographic questions such as age and gender. You will then be asked to complete questions about help-seeking, your thoughts about how other students may seek help, and, if available on your course, your use of lecture recordings. You will also be asked to provide your GUID so that the project lead may retrieve your GPA from My Campus after the publication of the exam marks in January. You have the right to withdraw participation at any stage of the study and you do not need to answer any question you do not wish to.


The data collected in this study will be confidential. Data will be kept on a GDPR compliant server, and your GUID will be deleted following the retrieval of your GPA. Only the project lead will have access to your GUID and GPA, with any identifiable information being made anonymous before being shared with the researcher.

Research Results

Once completed, this results of this research will be made available for you to access on request. The research will be written up as part of an undergraduate dissertation and will be posted as a preprint with a view to publication in an academic journal.

Consent Form

Please read through the following statements and follow to the next page to confirm your consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

• I have read the participant Information Form and understand the reason for this research, the procedures in which I will participate, and what is expected of me in this study

• I agree to participate in this study which aims to investigate; the relationship between help seeking and performance, and; the relationship between help seeking and lecture recording use.

• I understand that my participation in this study is voluntary and I can withdraw my consent to participate at any time before submitting my data at the end of the questionnaire by closing the browser window.

• I understand that I may answer only the questions with which I am comfortable and may omit any questions I do not want to answer.

• I understand that my participation in this study is purely for the purpose of research.

• I understand that the information I provide will be kept anonymous and will be stored on a GDPR compliant server.

• I understand that by agreeing to participate in this study, I allow the project lead to access my GUID and GPA.

• I understand that I can contact the researchers at any time to ask questions or request more information.

By continuing to the next page, I understand and agree with all of the above statements and give consent to participate in this research.

Before participating in this study, please have a specific course in mind. If you are in first or second year, please choose your major course. If you are in third or fourth year, please choose ONE MODULE from your course. Please select an option below based on whether your selected course provides/does not provide access to lecture recordings - you do not need to have used the recordings, they just need to be provided. Thank you!

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