Perceiving Relatedness

You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Contact us at the email below if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information.

What is the purpose of the study?

This study will help us to understand how we perceive relatedness in faces.

Why have I been invited to participate?

You responded to an advertisement about the research.

Do I have to take part?

No, it is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you decide to take part, you are still free to withdraw at any time and without giving a reason.

What will happen to me if I take part?

Approximately 100 people will be invited to take part in this study. When we have enough people taking part in this study, we will not include or invite any more.

In this experiment, all stimuli shown on the computer screen must be viewed, and you need to answer by clicking a button. Your task is to classify each pair as related or not related. Some images will have part of the face covered. The 240 pairs of photographs will be presented in random order. The experiment should take about 20 minutes.

What do I have to do?

Please wear glasses if you are nearsighted or farsighted during the experiment.

What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?

There are no potential disadvantages or harms in taking part in the study.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?

You will receive no direct benefit from taking part in this study. The information that is collected during this study will give us a better understanding of how we perceive kinship from faces.

Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?

All information which is collected about you, or responses that you provide, during the course of the research will be kept strictly confidential. You will be identified by an ID number, and any information about you will have your name and address removed so that you cannot be recognised from it.

What will happen to my data?

A fully anonymous version of the data (i.e., where your identity cannot be determined) will be shared with the scientific community on a scientific data sharing platform such as the Open Science Framework.

What will happen to the results of the research study?

The results and analysis of this experiment will be presented in my Msc dissertation.

Who is organising and funding the research?

There’s no funding support in this research.

Who has reviewed the study?

This project was be reviewed by the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences Ethics Committee.

Contact for Further Information

If you wish information about the study, you can contact us at or

Thank you for reading this Information Sheet


Please click on the button below if you consent to participate in this study.

  • I confirm that I have read and understood the Participant Information Sheet.
  • I have had the opportunity to think about the information and ask questions, and understand the answers I have been given.
  • I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason, without my legal rights being affected.
  • I confirm that I agree to the way my data will be collected and processed.
  • I understand that all data and information I provide will be kept confidential (an anonymous version will be shared with the scientific community).
  • I understand that if I withdraw from the study, my data collected up to that point will be retained (as it is collected directly into a database in an anonymous way) but will not be used in the analysis of the study.
  • I agree to take part in the study.

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