Hello, my name is Cameron Oyston. You are being invited to take part in a research study. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! It is important that you understand why this research is being conducted and what it will involve. Please make sure that you read the following information with care.

This study is being conducted to reaffirm a previously researched relationship between two measures of depression. These measures are the Occupational Depression Inventory, and the Depression subscale of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales. The ODI is a relatively new scale to measure this construct, and has yet to be tested in many contexts outside of the original study. This study seeks to reaffirm this relationship, in a mixed sample of employed and non-employed individuals. With factor analysis, we should be able to see whether employed individuals are contributing more to the correlation than non-employed individuals. This research will have you complete an online questionnaire using questions from each scale, you will also have to fill in demographic information such as age, gender, and employment status. Moreover, some of you who are not employed, or are full-time students, you will be asked to imagine yourself and your work in an occupational setting. This research is important because it will allow us to assess whether this scale is truly measuring the construct of depression, or something similar that has not yet been fully explored.

You have been chosen, because you may provide valuable insight into whether this relationship exists outside of just a workplace context. This is primarily because this scale has yet to be explored in this context. Exploring this topic in depth in multiple contexts is paramount for understanding the full applicability of this scale.

You are not forced to take part. Some of the questions may be triggering to some individuals, and if you feel uncomfortable in any way please do not take part. You are welcome to exit out of the site anytime and your data will not be recorded.

Each individual will be anonymized by way of a random ID number, and I will not ask for any identifying information. There will be demographic questions such as age, gender, and employment status. Other than that, there will be no identifying information.

The results of this study will be used in my final year undergraduate dissertation. I do not have plans to use them in anything further than that. Following the study the information will be kept on a secure hard drive and deleted on May 29th.

If you want to contact me, my student email is 2441032O@student.gla.ac.uk. Feel free to contact me regarding withdrawing your information, or if you want more information on the purpose of the study.

The Scales here are between 0-3.This is based on how prevalent these feelings are within a given week. This is scaled from 0= almost never, 1 = a few days, 2 = more than half of the days, and 3 = everyday.

Additionally, some of these questions pertain to the workplace. As some of you may be unemployed please imagine that the necessesary daily tasks that you do constitute a job. Either housework, homework, or university work if you are a student.

Consent Form:

Title of Project: Reaffirmation of The Relationship Between The ODI and The DASS with Additional Factor Analysis.

Name of Researcher (s): Cameron Oyston

If you agree to participate in this study then please read the following statements and sign your name below to indicate your consent.

  • I have read the Information Form for participants and so understand the procedures and have been informed about what to expect;

  • I agree to participate this study is being conducted to reaffirm a previously researched relationship between two measures of depression

  • I understand that my participation in this study is voluntary, and that I can withdraw from the study, at any time and for any reason, without having to give a reason to the researcher;

  • I understand that I may omit any questions that I would prefer not to answer;

  • I understand that my participation in this project is for the purposes of research, and is in no way an evaluation of me as an individual;

 I consent to my responses to two depression inventories being recorded as part of the project;

  • I understand that any information recorded in the investigation will be made and kept anonymous and will remain confidential and no information that identifies me will be made publicly available

  • I understand that anonymised data may be made publicly available on data archiving sites for the purposes of secondary analyses ;

  • I understand that I can contact the researcher(s) for this project; by e-mail to receive more information and/or a summary of the anonymised group results.

  • I understand that this consent form with my name is being collected for the sole purpose of recording that I have agreed to take part and that it will be destroyed by [31/04/2022]. Recordings of my responses/data will be kept until [31/04/2022] and no identifying information will be archived for future research and plagiarism checking with the write-up of this project.

  • I confirm that I agree to the way my data will be collected and processed, and that data will be stored for up to 10 years in University archiving facilities/password protected computer in accordance with relevant data protection policies and regulations.

  • I consent to the collection of data about my age, gender, and employment status.

  • I consent to the University processing my personal data for the purposes of the research detailed above and within the Participant Information Sheet

By continuing I agree to all the above statements

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