Information Form

  1. Study title and Researcher(s) Details Title: The association between sensory function and social behaviour Researcher details: Shan Zhao (

  2. Invitation to take part in research This study is a part of a research project conducted by a student of psychology at the University of Glasgow. The supervisor of the project is Dr. David Simmons. You are invited to take part in this study. It is important for you to understand why the research is being conducted and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully.

  3. What is the purpose of the study? This study focuses on daily sensory experience and its possible influences on social behaviour. We wish to learn more about their association.

  4. Why have I been chosen? We are expecting Chinese students over 16 years old who are studying in the UK. This study involves three tasks. Firstly, you need to complete a demographic questionnaire. Next, there will be a sensory questionnaire. Finally, you will be asked to fulfil a social behaviour questionnaire. This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are supposed to complete it all at once because the system cannot save your answers for you to return to.

  5. Do I have to take part? Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. You can withdraw from this investigation at any time and for any reason, without having to give a reason to the researcher. Besides, you can omit any questions that you would prefer not to answer, but please understand that if you omit to answer a large number of questions your data may be unusable.

  6. Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential? Your information recorded in this study will be kept anonymous and will remain confidential. You can ask to remove your data from the project at any point before the data are analysed. No information which may identify you will be made publicly available.

  7. What will happen to the results of the research study? The data will be stored in University archiving facilities on a password protected computer in accordance with relevant data protection polices and regulations up to 10 years. After this period, further retention may be agreed, or your data will be securely destroyed in accordance with the relevant standard procedures. Your data will contribute to the study results which will be involved in a student dissertation report and will be on the Internet for other researchers to use. Please note that any information which may identify you will never appear in any publications.

  8. Who can I contact if I want more information? If you wish further information about this study and/or a summary of the anonymised group results, please feel free to contact the researcher (Shan Zhao) at the email address:


  1. 项目名称及研究者信息 项目名称:感觉功能和社交行为的联系 研究员:赵姗(

  2. 诚挚地邀请您参加本项研究 这项研究是格拉斯哥大学心理系学生正在进行的项目研究的一部分,该项目的导师是David Simmons博士。我们诚挚地邀请您参加本项研究。了解本研究的目的及其涉及的内容对您来说非常重要,请花时间仔细阅读以下信息。

  3. 这个研究项目的目的是什么? 本次研究的主要目的是希望了解您的日常生活中的感觉体验及其对社交生活的可能影响。我们希望更多地了解二者之间的关系。

  4. 为什么我被邀请参加? 我们希望寻找在英国学习的16岁以上的中国学生来参加本次研究。这项研究主要涉及三项内容。首先,您需要完成人口统计调查问卷。然后,您需要填写一份关于感觉功能的调查问卷。最后,您需要完成一份关于社交行为的调查问卷。完成上述任务大概需要20分钟。您需要一次性完成所有任务,因为系统无法保存您的答案以便您可以再次返回填写。

  5. 我必须要参加吗? 本研究是完全自愿参加的。您可以在任何时候以任何理由退出研究,并不需要向研究员提供任何解释。此外,您可以忽略那些不想回答的问题,但请注意如果您忽略太多问题,您的问卷将无法使用。

  6. 我参加这项研究是保密的吗? 您的答案将匿名提交,并且将被保密。在数据处理之前您可以随时要求删除您的数据。您的姓名或其他任何可能识别您身份的信息都不会被公开。

  7. 研究结果将怎样处理? 您的数据将根据相关的数据保护政策和法规在大学存档设施中受密码保护的计算机上存储至少10年。在此期限之后,如果还需继续保留数据将会提前征得您的同意。否则将根据相关标准程序安全销毁您的数据。您的数据将有助于研究结果,该研究结果将发布于学生毕业论文报告中并将公布于互联网供其他研究人员使用。请注意,您的姓名或其他任何可以识别您身份的信息绝不会出现在任何出版物中。

  8. 如果我需要更多的信息,我可以联系谁? 如果您需要了解更多的相关信息和/或匿名的实验结果总结,请随时联系研究员(赵姗),邮箱地址如下。

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