Study Title:

Investigating student experience at the time of a pandemic and the effect on student mental health.

Invitation and brief summary:

My name is Aimee Poole and I am a 4th year student at the University of Glasgow. You are being invited to participate in a research study. Before you decide to take part, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully and do get in touch with me if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether or not you wish to take part. Thank you for reading this.

Brief Summary:

We are looking to learn more about how the pandemic has affected the student experience. In particular we are looking at student mental health.

Do I have to take part?

No there is no expectation for you to participate in this study. It is up to you to decide if you would like to take part in this questionnaire. If you do decide to take part you are still able to withdraw at any point during the experiment or omit answering any questions. You must be over 18 to take part and an undergraduate student at a university in the UK.

What’s involved if I agree to take part?

If you would like to take part, we will ask you to read and agree to a consent form. You are free to withdraw from this study at any time, even if you have completed and submitted the consent form. This research will compromise of a single overarching questionnaire to investigate this topic made up of 3 sub-questionnaires as well as demographic questions. You will be asked to fill in all parts of the questionnaire which will take around 10 minutes in total to complete. You may choose not to answer to any question that you do not wish to answer. After all data is collected it will be used in a 4th year dissertation. The results section will be written summarising the trends and relationships of the data set as a whole. If upon reading this information sheet, you have more questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Confidentiality: Ways to protect your identity and data.

No personal information about you will be collected. The only demographic information asked will be age, gender and level of study. You will be assigned an automatic participant number when taking part. At no point will names or any identifying information be asked of you. Because of this it will not be possible to remove specific data once you have completed the study. If you would like to withdraw at any point please do it before submitting your responses to the questionnaire. Experimentum is a GDPR compliant website and as such all your data remains anonymous.

What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?

There are no known risks or disadvantages of taking part of this research. It will however ask for information you may consider personal and as such you may choose not to answer any questions that you are not comfortable answering. You may withdraw from the study at any point during the questionnaire by exiting the webpage and no data will be saved. Please make sure you are happy for your data to be used before you press submit.

Who do I contact for more information?

This research is being conducted as part of my BSC Dissertation. To contact me, the researcher please send an email to the following address: The research is supervised by Dr Jude Stevenson ( and the research has been granted ethical approval from the University.

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