Please login or sign up to participate in the studies.
Study Name | Description |
Investigating the Psychological Predictors of Trypophobia | This project is aimed to investigate the relationship between trpophobia and psychological factors, specifically empathy, perceived vulnerability to disease, skin disease sensitivity (SDS) and disgust sensitivity across different domains. |
The Relationship Between Sleep Disruption and Psychological Distress Across Shift Patterns | My research project seeks to examine the relationship between the levels of sleep disruption and psychological distress across varying shift patterns. |
Investigating attitudes towards individuals with addictive disorders | An investigation into stigmatising attitudes towards individuals with one of three addictive disorders. |
Disgust Sensitivity and Attitudes Towards Mental Health Conditions | A study of disgust sensitivity and attitudes towards mental health conditions |
An Investigation Into The Relationship Between Disgust and Orthorexia Nervosa | 2024 Fourth Year Psychology Dissertation Project - An Investigation Into The Relationship between Disgust and Orthorexia Nervosa |
Disgust Sensitivity as a Predictor for Health Anxiety | Investigating the relationship between disgust sensitivity and health anxiety through a series of questionnaires measuring anxiety, health anxiety and disgust sensitivity. |
Attitudes towards mental health conditions | Attitudes towards mental health conditions |
Realism VR Study | |
Exploring the relationship between disgust and attitudes towards differing causes of obesity | MSc student research project investigating weight-based stigma |
Individual differences and covid-19 | Psychological predictors of covid-19 concern and safety behaviours |
Measuring Compassion Fatigue in those who work in Care Settings | This study aims to measure the prevalence of compassion fatigue experienced by those who work in Care giving settings. |
Attitudes Towards Asian Individuals Questionnaire | This study intends to evaluate the perceptions and attitudes of non-Asian individuals towards Asian populations. |
Investigating the motivation towards academics in care-experienced students compared to non-care-experienced students. | This short study asks you about your motivation levels towards your academics. We aim to investigate if motivation differs between students both with and without care-experience. |
Factors influencing the well-being of married individuals | This research aims to identify and assess the factors influencing the subjective well-being of married individuals, focusing on education level, employment status, and having children as factors influencing well-being. |
An Investigation of the Psychological Predictors of Trypophobia | You are being invited to take part in a study investigating the psychological predictors of trypophobia. |
Factors Associated with Body-Related Mental Health Issues | Investigating factors associated with body-related mental health issues. |
Rating faces | Dating choice (study 3 - Kat's PhD research) |
Relative contributions of semantic, voice, and variability information to the facial recognition process | Assessing ways which facial unfamiliar facial recognition can be improved |
Rating faces | Dating app project (red flags) |
Perceiving Relatedness | Are these faces related? |
Rating faces | 2-AFC and rating tasks masculinity (White male faces - CFD) |
Rating faces | Age judgments AI-generated male faces |
wu_diss | A research project investigating cultural differences in academic emotions and perceived academic locus of control. |
ManyFaces Protocol Developement | Demographics & debriefing questions |
The impact of the social connectedness, cultural differences and English proficiency on international students’ wellbeing in United Kingdom | This study intends to investigate the international student experience by focusing on the impact of 1) social connectedness, 2) cultural differences, and 3) English proficiency on depression, anxiety and stress among international students in the United Kingdom. |
Rating faces | Chloe project (mating/parenting effort - CFD) |
Rating faces | Attractiveness ratings (short- and long-term) within-subject design. |
ManyFaces Participantes | |
ManyFaces Modelos | |
ManyFaces Models | |
Rating voices | Belin replication study (Feinberg - 128kbps) |
ManyFaces Models | |
ManyFaces Models | |
Gaslighting Questionnaire | This project seeks to create a psychometric measurement scale to measure individual susceptibility to gaslighting |
Measuring Burnout in Medical Students | These questionnaires are designed to measure burnout in medical students. |
Culture Influences on Semantic Processing | |
Rating faces | Chloe's project (short and long term) |
Medical Student Burnout | Measuring medical student burnout. |
Measuring Medical Student Burnout | |
Academic/student Burnout Measure | This questionnaire is a part of the third-year undergraduate Psychometric course project. |
Susceptibility to gaslighting questionnaire | This questionnaire aims to measure individual susceptibility to gaslighting based on five character traits. |
Reaffirmation of The Relationship Between The DASS and The ODI | |
Autism Diagnosis Experience from the Parents / Caregivers Perspective | This questionnaire investigates the parental experience of a childhood Autism diagnosis. This is part of a Level 4 dissertation project. |
Academic Burnout Scale (ABS) | A short 1-line description of the project |
Can Coping Strategies Mediate the Relationship Between Thinking Patterns and Personality? | An investigation considering the relationship between thinking patterns and personality characteristics and whether this relationship may be mediated by coping strategies. |
Blue Space Questionnaire 1 | "Chilling Out?" An exploratory study into the effects of blue spaces on mental wellbeing. |
Academic/student Burnout Measure | This questionnaire is a part of the third-year undergraduate Psychometric course project. |
Academic Questionnaire | This is a pilot test of a measurement for academic burnout in students. |
Blue Space Questionnaire 2 | "Chilling Out?" An exploration into the effects of blue spaces on mental wellbeing. Post - activity |
The Emotional Weight of Language in Bilinguals | A survey investigating reduced emotional resonance in bilinguals who grew up speaking English and another language, or who learned English later in life. |
Stress Reduction in a Student Population | This dissertation study will investigate ways to reduce mild stress in a student population. |
An Investigation of Factors Affecting Self-Perception in Higher Education Students | A study into the relationship between parental academic success and the presence of imposter phenomenon symptoms in higher education students. |
An investigation of the relationship between overgeneralised disease avoidance and attitudes towards mental illness. | An investigation of the relationship between overgeneralised disease avoidance and attitudes towards mental illness. |
Ratings faces | Kat project trustworthiness |
Is my body trending? TikTok, Body Dissatisfaction, Disordered Eating and Muscle Building Behaviours | |
Rating faces | Chloe project social and physical dominance |
Anxiety TETD test | |
language background and beliefs about alcohol consumption | This study investigates how language background may affect beliefs about alcohol consumption. |
Music: a Quantitative Autistic Perspective | A quantitative investigation into how autistic traits influence the experience of music. |
Ratings faces | L4 project 2022_2023 |
Voice Emotionality and Expressiveness | Study looking at gender stereotypes in voice emotionality and voice expressiveness. |
EVC_fg | Consent form for online focus groups. |
Distinctiveness ratings | A short 1-line description of the project |
Comparing drawing and writing word pairs. | Investigating drawing and writing on learning of word pairs. |
An Investigation into the manipulation of state anxiety levels using Virtual Reality (VR) Environments and how the effects correlate with Autistic Traits | This study aims to investigate the effect of a virtual environment on participants' anxiety states. |
Student Wellbeing Experiences | A short 1-line description of the project |
Investigating the experiences and motivations of University students | Investigating the university students’ personality, satisfaction on life and their performance in different study environment |
Rating faces | Competence ratings (3DSK unmanipulated faces) |
Vaccine | A short 1-line description of the project |
Eating disorder and different weight range | A study to explore the attitude toward eating disorder in individuals |
Rating faces | Advice taking ratings (3DSK unmanipulated faces) |
Studying the impact of contextual cues in bilinguals on generosity | Studying the impact of contextual cues in bilinguals on generosity |
Emotion Regulation and Socioeconomic Status: A Cross-Cultural Replication Study | Emotion Regulation and Socioeconomic Status: A Cross-Cultural Replication Study on of the project |
Studying the effect of contextual cues on financial risk attitudes and behaviours. | Studying the effect of contextual cues on financial risk attitudes and behaviours. |
Studying the self-perception of bilinguals in different language contexts | This project examines self-perceptions in bilinguals |
Rating faces | Femininity ratings (3DSK unmanipulated faces) |
Rating faces | Masculinity ratings (3DSK unmanipulated faces) |
Self-regulated learning | Self-regulated learning in university students |
Physical Affection Questionnaire | |
ADS | ADS Consent form |
Self Versus Other Help Seeking | A short 1-line description of the project |
Self Versus Others | A short 1-line description of the project |
Facial expressions and social judgments | |
Facial expressions and social judgments | |
Facial expressions and social judgments | |
Facial attractiveness | Study on facial attractiveness |
Emotion authenticity perception and narcissism | Perception of emotion authenticity and personality |
Gaming Habits and Personality Traits | This project aims to find how video-gaming habits relate to motivations to video-game, ADHD and autistic traits. |
Rating voices | Sexism study |
Internet Use Survey | This study aims to collect data on Internet use habits and related behaviours, and if this varies across different demographics. |
The Effectiveness of Retrieval Practice | |
Rating voices | Explicit verbal abuse (manipulated pitch) |
Personal Eco-Guilt Indicator (PEGI) Pilot | This is questionnaire is for the development of a measure that indicates personal eco-guilt, for our L4 Psychometrics course. |
The role of anxiety in making first impressions | This study aims to assess the impact that anxiety has on how quickly people can make first impressions from a short audio clip. |
Assessing vocal pitch as an indicator of statistics anxiety in undergraduate students (Part 2: Voice Recording) | This is the Stage 2 voice recording for students that previously participated in "Assessing vocal pitch as an indicator of statistics anxiety in undergraduate students". |
Social cognition in autism: camouflaging and perception of emotion authenticity | An experiment to investigate potential links between self-reported social camouflaging scores, autism spectrum scores and judgement of authenticity perception. |
Diss-2268674 | This research project aims to explore the relationship between our vocal pitch and measurements of statistics anxiety. |
Pro-Environmental Behaviours in the University | This study investigates the factors contributing to the pro-environmental behaviours in the university. You can participate even if you have completed the previous validation study, although its completion is not a pre-requisite. |
The Individual and Augmented Effect of Aerobic Exercise And Caloric Restriction/Intermittent Fasting On Cognitive Performance | The purpose of this study is to find out how aerobic exercise and caloric restriction/intermittent fasting impact cognitive performance. |
Barriers to mental health care | A dissertation project studying potential barriers people face in seeking mental health help and treatment. |
University Student Experience of Loneliness and Emotion Regulation | Survey investigating loneliness and behavioral emotion regulation in the university student population. |
Help-Seeking Behaviours in LGBT vs non-LGBT young adults | A study aiming to investigate the difference in help-seeking behaviours of LGBT and non-LGBT young adults. |
An Investigation of Attitudes Towards Obesity | This project aims to investigate people's attitudes towards obesity and evaluate a way to influence it |
Rating voices | Aggressiveness and trustworthiness ratings (manipulated pitch) |
Social media use, physical activity, sleep and academic patterns in students | This study aims to investigate the correlation between sleep, physical activity, social media use and academic patterns in students. |
PSS-10 & Ultimatum Game | This study is inquiring into the effect of general life stress on decision-making processes. |
Questionnaire into student experience at the time of a pandemic and the effect on student mental health | A questionnaire investigating student experience and its impact on mental health. It should take around 10 minutes to complete. |
Test Project | A test project for testing new study types |
An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents | An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents. |
An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents | An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents. |
An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents | An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents. |
An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents | An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents. |
An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents | An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents. |
Rating voices | Competence ratings (manipulated pitch) |
Rating voices | Competence and dominance ratings (manipulated pitch) |
A very fun Experiment | A short 1-line description of the project |
An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents | An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents. |
An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents | An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents. |
An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents | An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents. |
An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents | An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents. |
An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents | An Investigation of Language and Memory using the recollection of details from automobile accidents. |
Interpretive bias modification for anxiety | |
Social perception of synthetic voices | Social perception of voices in CA |
Social perception of synthetic voices | Social perception of voices in CA |
The relation between interpretation bias and body dissatisfaction | Hello and welcome to my study for my MSc dissertation which has been granted ethical approval by the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Glasgow. |
Are personality traits reflected in dream content? | This questionnaire will assess the extent to which certain personality traits from waking life are reflected in dream content. |
Summer school Menu experiment | This is a short experiment to examine the attractiveness of different menu items |
English speakers experiment | This is a quick experiment looking at optimality in moral decision-making |
Bilingual experiment | This is a quick experiment looking at optimality in moral decision-making. |
An Investigation into Predictors of Stigmatising Attitudes Towards Dementia | The purpose of this study is to investigate the attitudes that people hold towards individuals with dementia and what individual differences might predict this. |
An investigation into school-type, attachment styles, unpredictability in childhood, and personality | The study aims to investigate if unpredictability in childhood, attachment styles, and school type influence personality traits. |
The Effect of Age and Gender on Social Media Use and Sleep Quality | |
Final session questionnaire | Questionnaire to be completed before the last workshop. |
Final session questionnaire | Questionnaire to be completed at the last workshop. |
COVID and Online Exams | This 5 minute survey explores questions about COVID-19, student's experience of online exams and test anxiety. |
Sleep and Social Media | Measuring sleep patterns, social media use, and wellbeing in adolescents. |
Face Methods Workshop | Pre-Workshop Questionnaire |
Hypotheses related dissertation | Project for dissertation of 2217906V. |
Vocal Indicators of Depression | Only requires you to complete two questionnaires and record your voice! |
Factors affecting attitudes within medicine - Part 2 | Part 2 of the Factors affecting attitudes within medicine study. |
Factors affecting attitudes within medicine - part 1 | |
Demo Data | A few short questionnaires and experiments to make demo data for a data wrangling class. |
Gender Questions | The aim of this study is to investigate the different ways to ask participants in research about their gender. It is common for psychological research to take a binary approach, asking participants if they are male or female. Here, additional options are included in different combinations to allow for the assessment of the impact of each option on the experience of answering for transgender and non-binary participants. |
Andrew Canning | Does student engagement with online university material affect their perceived academic success? |
The effect of music instrumental practice and musicianship on the sensory sensitivity and sensory experience of individuals rated high and low in autistic traits – a mixed methods approach. | The effect of music instrumental practice and musicianship on the sensory sensitivity and sensory experience of individuals rated high and low in autistic traits – a mixed methods approach. |
Age and gender differences in conformity to traditional masculine ideology and attitudes towards mental health help-seeking. | A study investigating the age and gender differences in conformity to traditional masculine ideology and attitudes towards seeking psychological services. |
The impact of COVID-19 related social isolation on sleep quality in students | Aiming to investigate the extent to which COVID-19 related Social Isolation has impacted students' sleep quality. |
Effects of a mental well-being intervention on undergraduate students | The goal of this project is to investigate the efficacy of an online mental wellbeing intervention on undergraduate students. |
Mental well-being day 2 | |
Mental well-being day 2 | |
Mental well-being day 3 | |
Mental well-being day 3 | |
10-minute Study on Levels of Religiousness and Mental Wellbeing | This 10-minute study will look at varying levels of religiousness and how this relates to mental wellbeing. You will also complete a short experiment in which you identify emotion in voices. All religious identities are eligible to participate, including non-belief (i.e. agnostic and atheist). |
PK | Determining PK |
Exploring how Black women gain positive visibility in higher education settings | Exploring how Black women gain positive visibility in higher education settings |
Anxiety and Mask Wearing | This study aims to investigate the extent to which wearing face coverings relates to anxiety levels amongst university students during a pandemic. |
Do ethnic minority individuals associate the same amount of ethnic identity pride when it is referred to as minority identity strength? | This study aims to pilot a questionnaire that measures the identity pride of minority groups based on a previous scale that focuses on ethnic minority identity pride. |
Tiny Test | A tiny test for checking things |
Mémoire_traits de personnalité et reconnaissance émotionnelle | The present study aims to study the correlation between French version of the AQ questionnaire and the RMET and to observe the correlations. |
Helpfulness and harmfulness in moral standing judgments | This study investigates how morally relevant actions towards different entities are evaluated. |
Investigating Post-Concussion Wellbeing among Athletes | Investigating post-mTBI wellbeing among athletes regarding symptoms, sleep & mental health |
Voice_test_rating_emotionality | An experiment focus on whether acoustical parameters can predict the perceived emotionality of listeners, by using ambiguous and relative voice stimuli. |
Sleep Quality, Traits and Student Mental Wellbeing | A 15-20 minute online survey for students investigating the relationship between sleep quality, traits and mental wellbeing |
Shame, Guilt, and Identity | This study explores how past experiences of shame and guilt are related to different aspects of personal identity. |
Mental Health, Sleep, Stigma and Help-Seeking in UK South Asian University Students | Mental Health, Sleep Behaviours and Associated Stigma and Help-Seeking Behaviours Among UK South Asian University Students |
The association between sensory function and social behaviour | This study focuses on daily sensory experience and its possible influences on social behaviour in Mandarin-speaking population. æœ¬ç ”ç©¶ç›®çš„æ˜¯ç ”ç©¶æ—¥å¸¸æ„Ÿè§‰ç»åŽ†å’Œå…¶å¯¹ç¤¾äº¤è¡Œä¸ºå¯èƒ½çš„å½±å“ï¼Œæœ¬ç ”ç©¶çš„ç›®æ ‡ç¾¤ä½“æ˜¯ä¸æ–‡ä½¿ç”¨è€…。 |
Study of social capital, stress, and sleep quality during COVID-19 | The relationship between social capital and sleep quality |
Voice_test_rating_emotionality | An experiment focus on whether acoustical parameters can predict the perceived emotionality of listeners, by using ambiguous and relative voice stimuli. |
Factors affecting self-perception-part 2. | This is part 2 of the factors affecting self-perception mini project. |
Factors affecting self-perception - y | This is Part 1 of the factors affecting self-perception level 3 mini project. |
Factors affecting self-perception - x | This is Part 1 of the factors affecting self-perception level 3 mini project. |
Disgust Sensitivity and Attitudes towards Mental Health Conditions | MSc Dissertation project: An investigation of attitudes towards mental health conditions |
Attachment style and dating apps | Attachment style and why we use dating apps |
An investigation into the impact of reality television on the behaviour of viewers | Exploring the impact of watching reality television on behaviour in comparison to other forms of media. |
Voice_experiment_Dec2019 | Each participant will be exposed to 8 text blocks that were extracted and transcribed from various portions of 2 different lectures. 4 excerpts were taken from a statistics lecture and 4 excerpts from a social psychology lecture. Along with each text excerpt, the participants will be presented with a pair of voice recordings uttering the word ‘hello’. The participants were asked to choose one of the 2 voices they would prefer to learn more about the given topic. Among the 2 voices, one is a male voice and one is a female voice. There were a total of 3 voice pairs used in the study and each of the 8 text blocks was presented in combination with all 3 voice pairs. This constitutes a total of 24 trials for each participant. A pseudo-random order was used to present the 24 trials to the participants. Among the 24 trials, a female voice was given as the first option in 12 trials and a male voice was given as the first option in 12 trials. At the end of the study, a test of attention is used to make sure the participants paid attention to the text blocks. Following this, the demographic information of the participants will be recorded. Consent and information regarding the experiment will be presented before the study. |
Sexual orientation scales | Attitudes towards homosexuality scales presented in the L2 ID lecture 10. |
Gender scales | Gender and sexism scales presented in L2 lecture 9. |
Eating Behaviour Research Project | This project is run by the School of Psychology as part of the Level 3 Quantitative Projects. |
Study investigating the effects values have on a climate change message | An investigation into the effect a values manipulation has on a climate change message. |
Follow-up Questionnaire | Follow-up questionnaire after completing an initial study investigating the effect's values have on a climate change message. |
Behavioural Questionnaire | Week 1 of the Behavioural Questionnaires |
Behavioural Questionnaire | Week 2 of the Behavioural Questionnaires |
Behavioural Questionnaire | Week 1 of the Behavioural Questionnaires |
Behavioural Questionnaire | Week 2 of the Behavioural Questionnaires |
Information and Consent form | This project examines if people's imagined interactions have an effect on their communication. |
Follow-up survey | Follow-up survey for Food Waste Behaviour project |
Social and Cognitive Processes in Political Attitudes | Evaluating social and cognitive processes involved in political attitudes, with a focus on news media consumption. |
Impact of Anxiety on Episodic Memory | After completing Speilberg's Trait-State Anxiety Inventory, you will complete an Episodic Memory test based on Craik and Tulving's (1975) Depth of Processing paradigm. |
Effect of Mood and Ruminative Thinking on Interpretation of Ambiguous Scenarios | |
Effects of Gender on Cognitive Bias Modification in Depression | Investigating the effects of gender on the effectiveness of Cognitive Bias Modification in Depression. |
Introduction to R: Your Needs and Expectations | Short survey to our students to see what they need/want from us before the class runs |
Resilience, Life Satisfaction, and Christianity | Does religion have an impact on resilience and life satisfaction among university students in the Christianity context? |
Individual differences and abortion attitudes | Investigating the association between individual differences and attitudes towards abortion |
Deception detection across cultural groups (English) | Short study where you have to decide which video clip is a lie. This study is in English. |
Empathy and emotion assessment | How does a person's empathy capacity influence their assessment of facial emotion in others. |
Help Seeking, Study Strategies and Academic Achievement | A study of help seeking behaviours, study strategies and academic achievement in University of Glasgow Undergraduates. |
Social media literacy and sleep study | This is a level 4 Psychology dissertation project looking into the relationship between social media literacy and sleep outcomes in young people. |
An investigation of attitudes towards mental health conditions | |
Loneliness, Pre-Sleep Cognitive Arousal, Social Media and Sleep | This study is investigating the association between loneliness, pre-sleep cognitive arousal, and nighttime social media use as influences on sleep quality. |
Voice_experiment_Dec2019 | Each participant will be exposed to 8 text blocks that were extracted and transcribed from various portions of 2 different lectures. 4 excerpts were taken from a statistics lecture and 4 excerpts from a social psychology lecture. Along with each text excerpt, the participants will be presented with a pair of voice recordings uttering the word ‘hello’. The participants were asked to choose one of the 2 voices they would prefer to learn more about the given topic. Among the 2 voices, one is a male voice and one is a female voice. There were a total of 3 voice pairs used in the study and each of the 8 text blocks was presented in combination with all 3 voice pairs. This constitutes a total of 24 trials for each participant. A pseudo-random order was used to present the 24 trials to the participants. Among the 24 trials, a female voice was given as the first option in 12 trials and a male voice was given as the first option in 12 trials. At the end of the study, a test of attention is used to make sure the participants paid attention to the text blocks. Following this, the demographic information of the participants will be recorded. Consent and information regarding the experiment will be presented before the study. |
Moral judgements in difficult situations | A replication attempt of Royzman, Landy & Leeman (2015) in partial fulfilment of MSc Psychology (conversion), University of Glasgow. 2019. |
Lecture recording and conceptions of teaching and learning | In this study, we will investigate if there is a link between lecturers’ conceptions of teaching and student learning and their beliefs related to video recordings of live lectures. |
Attitudes towards swearing | Attitudes towards swearing |
student survey | Validating a new measure on person perception. |
Attitudes towards mental health conditions - test 1 | The purpose of this study is to investigate attitudes towards mental health conditions |
Emotion Recognition | Here you will judge emotional expressions and complete some short questionnaires. Click on the button below to begin. |
Bug Reports for Researchers | This is the Bug Report Form for researchers and students conducting projects on Experimentum. Please do not complete this form anonymously. |
test 1 | testing data misattribution |
test 2 | testing data misattribution |
LGB and well-being study | Welcome to our LGB study |
Are you a different person in your second language? | Study of personality difference among bilinguals. |
Quantitative Mini-Project | A short 1-line description of the project |
Questionnaire | Friday group 2 retest |
Habit and Personality Questionnaire | A 15 minute questionnaire about drinking habits and personality |
How does personality predict academic procrastination in university students? | We are interested in examining whether personality plays a role in predicting academic procrastination. |
Exploring the relationship between chronotype and optimism/pessimism | |
Quantitative Mini Project | This study seeks to investigate whether and how students’ perfectionist tendencies and their gender role attitudes influence academic help-seeking. |
Personality rooms | In this project we're interested in seeing how accurate are people in determining the personality of room owners from a picture of their room. |
An exploratory study of the relationships between disgust sensitivity and perceived controllability of mental health issues on stigma. | |
M4 Questionnaire | Final items for Monday 4 |
F1 Questionnaire | Final items for Friday 1 |
M1 Questionnaire | Final items for Monday 1 |
T2 Questionnaire | Final items for Thursday 2 |
M5 Questionnaire | Final items for Monday 5 |
F5 Questionnaire | Final items for Friday 5 |
M3 Questionnaire | Final for Monday 3 |
T1 Questionnaire | Final for Thursday 1 |
T3 Questionnaire | Final for Thursday 3 |
T4 Questionnaire | Final items for Thursday 4 |
T5 Questionnaire | Final for Thursday 5 |
T6 Questionnaire | Final for Thursday 6 |
T8 Questionnaire | Final for Thursday 8 |
F3 Questionnaire | Final for Friday 3 |
F4 Questionnaire | Final for Friday 4 |
T7 Questionnaire | Final for Thursday 7 |
M2 Questionnaire | Final for Monday 2 |
M6 Questionnaire | Final for Monday 6 |
M7 Questionnaire | Final for Monday 7 |
M8 Questionnaire | Final for Monday 8 |
Sleep and Social Media Use and Sports | Investigating Sleep and Social Media Use across different sporting levels |
The Effect of Memes on Mental Wellbeing in University Students | A short experiment investigating the potential effects of internet memes on the mental wellbeing of university students. |
Student Wellbeing Survey | Investigating the wellbeing of chinese international students |
Family Environment in Self-Reported Trichotillomania | This experiment is exploring experiences of family environment in self-reported trichotillomania. |
Attitudes and the Behavioural Immune System | Does the Behavioural Immune System Influence Our Attitudes Towards Ingroup/Outgroup Members? |
Attitudes and the Behavioural Immune System | Does the Behavioural Immune System Influence Our Attitudes Towards Ingroup/Outgroup Members? |
Perceived Competence and Likelihood for Promotion | Ratings of perceived competence, likelihood for promotion and expected facial femininity/masculinity of individuals considered for a leadership promotion. |
Investigating the impact of the Behavioural Immune System on British Politics | The Impact of the Behavioural Immune System on British Politics |
Pilot Sleep Quality Scale | Pilot Questionnaire for Psychometrics Exercise in RM2 2018-2019 |
Psychometrics 3H Validity Measures | Validity measures for Psychometrics 3H |